EXBIO is the leading manufacturer of monoclonal antibodies and reagents for research and clinical applications with the focus on multi-color flow cytometry analysis of human cellular markers.
Our experience
Our broad portfolio of over 4,000 ready-to-use products covers a diverse set of areas including hematology, immunology, cancer, stem cells, and cell biology. With experts in cytometry and biotechnology engineers, EXBIO offers our customers long-term validated antibody markers in the wide selection of fluorochrome conjugates. Our commitment to customer needs, backed by our integrated quality management system that complies with ISO 13485: 2016, ISO9001: 2015 and cGMP (21 CFR part 820), enables us to fulfill our mission:
EXBIO strives to exceed the expectations of the most demanding clients in the field of analytical cytometry by providing a complete portfolio of high-quality products and services at affordable prices.
Services / Products:
• Monoclonal antibodies → broad portfolio against different targets → many fluorochrome formats → around 900 antigens → almost 1000 clones
• Kombitestas → wide range of pre-mixed monoclonal antibody cocktails: • 2 color reagents • 3 color reagents • 4 color reagents • 6 color reagents
• Premium antibodies (GMP) → Intracellular staining → Surface staining
• Flow cytometry kits → for allergy analysis • BasoFlowEx + allergens kit → for T-cell proliferation analysis • BlastoFlowEx kit for T cells + mitogens → for phagocytosis analysis • FagoFlowEx kit • IngoFlowEx kit → for cell activation analysis NK • NKFlowEx kit → for human reproduction analysis • SpermFlowEx kit → for T-regulation cell analysis • TregFlowEx kit → for cell cycle analysis • ApoFlowEx FITC kit • CellCycleFlowEx kit → for stem cell analysis • CD34QuantiFlowEx kit
• Recombinant allergens → animal, food, house dust mite, mold, pollen, poison

Jan Fišer - Sr. International Sales Representative
fiser@exbio.cz , info@exbio.cz
Phone .: +420 261 090 595
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