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¿Conoces el impacto de los laboratorios de recursos compartidos sobre la investigación?

Foto del escritor: latinflowpowerlatinflowpower

Asiste al evento y entérate!

You are invited to register here for the next CTLS webinar. This webinar is entitled 'The Impact of Core Facilities on R&D Projects' and will be held on Wednesday 24th February (4 - 5pm CET, 3 - 4pm UK).

Listen to three presentations on how using instruments and know-how provided by Core Facilities enabled particular R&D projects. You will get the users' perspective from two research group leaders and one company representative who will share their experiences and discuss further with the audience.

This free webinar is open to CTLS members and non-members. Click here for the Zoom link.


  • "Biological stories": how using instruments and know-how provided by core facilities enables the underlying research-Pavel Plevka, Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University (CEITEC MU), Brno, Czech Republic

  • “Looking for my other half: how to engage core facilities and research laboratory interactions for project development”-Héctor Peinado, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)

  • “Enabling Research Across Functions: An Industry Perspective” - Carina Torres, Flow Cytometry Core Manager, Eli Lilly Biotechnology Center, San Diego


  • Fernando Peláez - Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Madrid, Spain

  • Ralph Palmisano – Optical Imaging Centre Erlangen (OICE), FAU Erlangen, Germany

We look forward to you joining us for this interesting session!

Best wishes,

Jane Chappelle On behalf of the CTLS Communications Working Group Core Technologies for Life Sciences Association (CTLS)



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