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Hoy 8 de marzo conmemoramos a las mujeres trabajadoras

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y nos unimos a la iniciativa del grupo Cytowomen de ISAC, Les invitamos a sumarse en la encuesta que han preparado con el fin de conocer la situación de las mujeres en ésta área.

International Women's Day 2021 #IWD2021 is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women's achievements or rally for women's equality.

Last year on International Women’s Day, ISAC announced the formation of the CYTO Women Taskforce which aims to provide the women in ISAC with the tools they need to advance their careers, address conscious and unconscious bias, and address various forms of abuse and harassment. We are creating a community of support and communication for the women in ISAC.

To commemorate International Women’s Day 2021, the CYTO Women Taskforce is pleased to share our achievements from our first year. We have expanded the taskforce to include an international group of 14 women hailing from each of the continents (lest Antarctica). At CYTO Virtual 2020 we sponsored both a plenary session and a networking session. Today, we are launching our twitter account @cytowomen and survey: Our webpage will be coming soon!

CYTO Women embrace this year’s International Women’s Day theme, #ChooseToChallenge! A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So, let's all choose to challenge. How will you help forge a gender equal world? Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.



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